型号: EVR1218
产地: 瑞士
报价: 398.00元/只
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2024-06-29 16:53
浏览次数: 9
手机号: 18612657778
电话: 18612657778
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LEADLINE蓄电池EVR1218 型号/参数/产地



● 密闭结构 (Sealed Construction)
● 电解液悬浮系统 (Electrolyte Suspension System)
● 气体再组合 (Gas Recombination)
● 使用免*** (Maintenance-Free Operation)
● 任何方向可使用 (Operation In Any Position)
● 低压力排气系统 (Low Pressure Venting System)
● 负荷格子体 (Heavy Duty Grids)
● 低自行放电-长保存寿命 (Low Self Discharge-Long shelf Life)
● 宽广的温度使用范围 (Broad Operating Temperature Range)
● 回复容量 (High Recovery Capabillity)


LEADLINE电池是被设计应用在浮动充电及循环充电使用,重量能量密度结合了大小和形状的宽广选择,让电池在众多应用下有合理的选择,部分共同应用项目包括但不于常备或主要电源如下 :
● 警报系统 (Alarm Systems)
● 有线电视 (Cable Television)
● 通信设备 (Communications E)
● 控制设备 (Control E)
● 计算机 (Computer)
● 电子收款机 (Electronic Cash Registers)
● 电子测试设备 (Electronic Test E)
● 电动轮椅 (Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)
● 紧急照明系统 (Emergency Lighting Systems)
● 防火或保全系统 (Fire & Security Systems)
● 地理设备 (Geophysical E)
● 海洋设备 (Marine E)
● ***设备 (Medical E)
● 办公室微处理机 (Micro Processor based Office Machines)
● 可携式电影和电视灯光 (Portable Cine & Video Lights)
● 电动工具 (Power Tools)
● 太阳能系统 (Solar Powered Systems)
● 电信系统 (Telecommunications Systems)
● 电视和录像机 (Television & Video Recorders)
● 玩具 (Toys)
● 不断电系统 (Uninterruptible Power Supplies)
● 自动***机 (Vending Machines)

Since its inception, LONG battery ongoing commitment to enhance the , because we believe that only a stable side is the company subsisting chess stone.

Since 1991, United States UL product safety certification beginning, we continue to obtain ISO 9002 certification in 1994 and 1996 to obtain 10 kinds of specifications of the German VdS safety certification, 1999 ISO 14001 certification in 2000 ISO 9001 certification in 2002, OHSAS 18001 certification, and obtaining TL9000 certification in 2008 .

Marelli Motori S.p.Ahas a tradition dating back to 1891 when Ercole Marelli founded the Company. With over 100 years of manufacturing excellence and experience, Marelli Motori is recognised as a leading supplier to the Power Generation, Industrial, Petrochemical and Marine Industries sectors offering a complete range of Low, Medium and High Voltage Motors and Generators. These products are backed up by an organisation of skilled people providing sales, service and technical support to the high standards demanded by our customers.
Marelli Motori designs, manufactures and sells:

· Low, Medium and High Voltage Synchronous Generators

· Low, Medium and High Voltage Asynchronous Generators

· Generators for Hydropower, UPS, Cogeneration, Industrial applications

· Low, Medium and High Voltage Asynchronous Motors

· Low and Medium Voltage Hazardous Area Motors (IP55, IP56, IP65)

Each of these products are available in different types and power ranges up to 4.000 kW for Motors and 8.000 kVA for Generators.
Marelli Motori offers a complete range of electric Motors and Generators to a vast array of customers all over the world through the Marelli Overseas Offices in UK, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa and USA. Marelli Motori S.p.Ahas a tradition dating back to 1891 when Ercole Marelli founded the Company. With over 100 years of manufacturing excellence and experience, Marelli Motori is recognised as a leading supplier to the Power Generation, Industrial, Petrochemical and Marine Industries sectors offering a complete range of Low, Medium and High Voltage Motors and Generators. These products are backed up by an organisation of skilled people providing sales, service and technical support to the high standards demanded by our customers.
Marelli Motori designs, manufactures and sells:

Each of these products are available in different types and power ranges up to 4.000 kW for Motors and 8.000 kVA for Generators.
Marelli Motori offers a complete range of electric Motors and Generators to a vast array of customers all over the world through the Marelli Overseas Offices in UK, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa and USA.



(1) 光—热—电转换方式通过利用太阳辐射产生的热能发电,一般是由太阳能集热器将所吸收的热能转换成工质的蒸气,再驱动汽轮机发电。前一个过程是光—热转换过程;后一个过程是热—电转换过程,与普通的火力发电一样。太阳能热发电的缺点是效率很低而成本很,估计它的***至少要比普通火电站贵5~10倍。一座1000MW的太阳能热电站需要***20~25亿美元,平均1kW的***为2000~2500美元。因此,只能小规模地应用于特殊的场合,而大规模利用在经济上很不合算,还不能与普通的火电站或***站相竞争。


太阳能电池发电是根据特定材料的光电性质制成的。黑体(如太阳)辐射出不同波长(对应于不同频率)的电磁波, 如红外线、紫外线、可见光等等。当这些射线照射在不同导体或半导体上,光子与导体或半导体中的自由电子作用产生电流。射线的波长越短,频率越,所具有的能量就越,例如紫外线所具有的能量要远远于红外线。但是并非所有波长的射线的能量都能转化为电能,值得注意的是光电效应于射线的强度大小无关,只有频率达到或超越可产生光电效应的阈值时,电流才能产生。能够使半导体产生光电效应的光的大波长同该半导体的禁带宽度相关,譬如晶体硅的禁带宽度在室温下约为1.155eV,因此必须波长小于1100nm的光线才可以使晶体硅产生光电效应。 太阳电池发电是一种可再生的环保发电方式,发电过程中不会产生二氧化碳等温室气体,不会对环境造成污染。按照制作材料分为硅基半导体电池、CdTe薄膜电池、CIGS薄膜电池、染料敏化薄膜电池、有机材料电池等。其中硅电池又分为单晶电池、多晶电池和无定形硅薄膜电池等。对于太阳电池来说重要的参数是转换效率,在实验室所研发的硅基太阳能电池中,单晶硅电池效率为25.0%,多晶硅电池效率为20.4%,CIGS薄膜电池效率达19.6%,CdTe薄膜电池效率达16.7%,非晶硅(无定形硅)薄膜电池的效率为10.1%

  • 地址:北京市朝阳区668号
  • 电话:18612657778
  • 手机:18612657778
  • 传真:010-56018769
  • 联系人:于洋
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