品牌1: ODYSSEY蓄电池
产地: 美国
品牌: ODYSSEY蓄电池
货期: 现货
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1 只
库存: 300 只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2025-03-13 17:43
浏览次数: 191
手机号: 18612657778
电话: 18612657778
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 ODYSSEY Battery
Phenomenal starting power and massive deep cycle reserve power in one battery!
Some batteries provide enormous cranking power. Others, deep cycle reserve power.
The revolutionary ODYSSEY? battery is designed to do both.
How is this possible? The answer begins with flat plates made of 99.99% pure virgin lead - not
lead alloy. Pure lead plates can be made thinner,so we can fit more of them in the battery. More
ODYSSEY battery plates mean more plate surface area. And that means more power – twice as
much as conventional batteries.In fact, ODYSSEY batteries are capable of
providing engine cranking pulses in excess of 2250 amps for 5 seconds – double to triple that
of equally sized conventional batteries, even at very low temperatures. And they can handle
400 charge-discharge cycles to 80% depth of discharge. This extreme combination of power and
performance makes ODYSSEY batteries perfect for a range of applications, including
automotive/LTV, marine, commercial, and powersports – see the examples inside.
ODYSSEY? batteries vs. spiral-wound designs: 15% more plate surface area!
Like many popular spiral-wound batteries, ODYSSEY batteries employ dry cell AGM
technology to contain acid, allowing the battery to be installed even on its side. But
the densely packed flat plates in an ODYSSEY battery avoid the “dead space” between
cylinders in a “six-pack” design. The result is 15% more plate surface area — and that
translates to more power!


  1. 保证所售商品均为行货,承诺假一罚十。

  2. (1)阻燃的单向排气阀使电池安全且具有长寿命

    (2)  吸附式玻璃纤维技术使气体复合效率高达99%,使电解液具有免维护功能
    (3)  UL的认证的组件
    (4)  多元格的电池设计使电池安装和维护更经济
    (5)  可以以任何竖直,旁侧或端侧方位放置
    (6)  符合国际航空运输协会/国际民间航空组织的特别规定A67,可以航空投运。

    (7) 可以以非危险品(DOT-CFR 49款171-189部份)进行地面运输
    (8) 可以以非危险品(根据IMDG修正27款)进行水路运输
    (9) 计算机设计的低钙铅合金板栅,大限度降低了气体的产生量,并可方便的循环使用

  • 地址:北京市朝阳区668号
  • 电话:18612657778
  • 手机:18612657778
  • 传真:010-56018769
  • 联系人:于洋