荷兰PBQ蓄电池PBQ28 12L全系列销售
品牌: 荷兰PBQ蓄电池
型号: PBQ28-12L
产地: 荷兰
报价: 200.00元/只
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2024-06-24 08:21
浏览次数: 143
手机号: 18612657778
电话: 18612657778
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PB purpose series, PBQ high rate series, PBQ long life series, PBQ gel series, PBQ front access series, PB cell series, PB series, PBQ cycle series, PB literature Series, PB provide a wide range of products to meet the needs of customers and potential customers. PB include special VDS certified batteries, cycle (deep discharge) batteries, high magnification batteries, single block and front access modes. In addition to widely sealed lead-acid batteries, PBQ also provides lithium batteries. Small portable lithium batteries are offered in all three main chemical ingredients: lithium thionyl chloride, lithium manganese and lithium sulfur dioxide. Our R & D department has also added a new PB iron phosphate battery for γ - development. PB focus on the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) market. The development in this area is very important for PB. Although we are the United States, Australia, Hong Kong,

Product advantages:

1. Water free and simple maintenance

The special design overcomes the phenomenon of electrolytic water loss in the charging process of the battery. The volume and specific gravity of the battery hardly change in the use process. Therefore, the battery does not need water supplement during its service life, and the maintenance is simple.

2. Safe sealing and simple installation

There is no flowing electro-hydraulic fluid in the battery. The battery can be installed and used vertically or horizontally. There is no leakage of electro-hydraulic fluid, and the battery will not produce acid mist in the normal charging process. Therefore, the battery can be installed in the office or supporting e room, without the need to build a special battery room, reducing the project cost.

3. Long service life

The lead calcium alloy grid with good corrosion resistance is used, and the normal floating life can be more than 10 years at 25 ℃.

4. High power discharge performance

High electrode plate and glass fiber partition plate with small internal resistance value are used, and the assembly is tight, so that the internal resistance of the battery is very small. In the range of - 40 ℃ ~ 60 ℃, the output power of high current discharge is about 15% higher than that of conventional battery.

5. Easy to install and use

The battery has been fully charged when leaving the factory, and can be installed and put into use after the user gets the battery.

荷兰PBQ蓄电池设计特性:    1. 稳定性能好,可靠性高    2. 长使用寿命    3. 免维护工作    4. 低压排气系统    5. 高负荷格子体    6. 自放电率低    · 荷兰PBQ蓄电池应用领域:    控制系统,电动玩具,应急灯,电动工具,报警系统,应急照明系统,备用电力电源,UPS,电力系统,电信设备,消防和安全防卫系统,铁路系统以及发电站等。    荷兰BPQ蓄电池使用说明书:    1、储存与运输    在整个储存与运输过程中,请保持电池总是处于竖直状态,避免倾斜、倒置以防酸液泄漏    请将电池储存于干冷的环境中,环境温度应至少保持在30℃以下    请不要移去电极端柱的保护罩    请严格执行先进先出的仓储原则    保持电池为完全充电状态,每6个月充电一次,方法按照第5部分:补充电    2、初次使用    如电池电压在12.6伏特以下,请即充电    如发现起动能量不足,请即充电    3、安装    电池用于汽车发动机起动    在更换电池时,请首先切断负极的连接电缆,并注意避免短路    清洁新电池的端柱以及连接正极端子夹,并涂抺少量的电池油脂    安装新电池时,请先连接正极端柱,并确保连接牢固    安装完毕后,请将新电池的正极保护罩装在被替换的旧电池正极上,以避免旧电池短路    电池上盖有装车日期标签。购买并安装电池时,应该即刻抠除相应的年月标识,以便您及时了解电池的装车时间以及是否尚处于保修期    4、电量指示器(电眼)    电池顶盖上的电量指示器(电眼)可以帮助检查电池的电量状态    绿色:电量处于良好的状态    黑色:电量不足,需要充电    透明:电量不足,且不可恢复,需要更换电池    5、补充电    将电池从车辆上拆下,注意先断开负极连接电缆    确保充电的场所具有良好的通风条件    将充电机与电池的正极相连接,然后再与电池的负极相连    确保电池与充电机连接好后,再打开充电机进行充电;一旦充电完毕,请即关闭充电机    充电时如电池表面温度高于45℃时,应立即停止充电    一般情况下,推荐的补充电电流为1/10的电池安时容量,充电3-5小时。深度放电的电池将充电10-24小时。充电完毕后静放1小时    6、维护    在关闭发动机后,请同时关闭所有电气设备    请只使用湿润的防静电布擦拭电池表面,否则有引起爆炸的危险    长时间不使用的车辆,请拆除电池;由于电子设备不能拆除电池的车辆,请半个月发动一次车辆,给电池充电一小时,防止电池深度放电无法恢复    高温、高寒地区请加装电池保护罩,延长电池使用寿命!!

  • 地址:北京市朝阳区668号
  • 电话:18612657778
  • 手机:18612657778
  • 传真:010-56018769
  • 联系人:于洋
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